
December 2019
UX Design and Research | 80 Hours over two weeks
React, Figma, Adobe CS
Bangazon Inc. currently uses Google Docs to manage their administrative tasks related to employees and customers. Google Docs is not an integrated system, so there are often multiple and competing pieces of information, which results in poor customer service and employee relations. They need a better way to manage two important parts of their company: customers and their products, and employees.
How might we create a user interface that allows Bangazon’s customer service team to easily find and manage customers’ information, orders, products, and payments in order to continue their growth and be able to support their customer base and employees?
Information was provided to our group about Bangazon Inc. and the school's Junior Instructors were given the roles of employees for user research and testing. I created a site map and journey map for our users on the employee side of Bangazon to get a better idea of what we were going to be designing.
Wireframes and Mockups
I started with low-fidelity paper wireframes so that we could quickly user test and iterate our designs. We tested on our group of users on paper and once we had enough data to proceed, we moved to high-fidelity versions in Figma.
This group project taught me about design processes and how a team can take a different approach to UX but still arrive at the same conclusion. After this project, I felt much more comfortable with user testing, journey maps, and collaboration in Figma.