
February 2020
UX/UI Design and Research | 80 Hours over two weeks
Figma, Typeform, Miro
Communication is an integral part of our lives. We interact daily with strangers, acquaintances, friends, and others that we love. For some people, it’s hard enough to make initial contact. The question then becomes “Well, what do I say?”.

During my final weeks at school, I was under immense stress with interviews and networking and this is where this idea came in to play. I realized how hard it is sometimes to break the ice or ask engaging and fun questions and was sure I wasn't alone.
Challenge Statement
How can we navigate social anxiety to help users ask meaningful questions or make good impressions?
I used a mixture of in person qualitative interviews and quantitative data from a survey I sent out to jumpstart my research process. The data I gathered proved invaluable to my app: I was able to narrow the scope of the application, create a user persona, and decide what options would be available within the app.
User Interviews
I used the service, Typeform, for my user surveys along with in-person interviews. This information was invaluable in deciding what content I would have in the app for users to choose from.

There were 48 participants in total for my survey.

89.6% of participants use the internet to search for questions to ask before a job interview.

64.6% try to think of questions before a date or networking event.

69.7% consider themselves to be socially anxious.

75% were interested in my app concept.

65% of users would want questions grouped by relation and also kind of question they were asking.

• The top five relationships chosen were: Friend, Lover, Professional, Stranger, and Family.

• The top question categories were: Networking, Interview, Friendly, Flirty, Funny, Political, and Philosophical.
User Personas
Based off of my research and data received back from Typeform, I crafted my persona, Lauren. Based on the research of user needs, I used this persona to address the needs in my design solution.
Site Map
I planned out the site's information architecture by designing a site map, so I could plan the layout and features for the app. This helped me get a feel for what I would need to design ahead of time.
Visual Design
Thankfully, I had access to a whole school of potential users for this project. I started out with paper wireframes so I could quickly and efficiently test and iterate my designs. Once I felt like I had enough feedback from my users, I decided to move into Figma and start mocking up and prototyping my app. I refined the UX and UI through testing, and I was able to edit my design based on feedback from multiple users.